
Mariachi Concert for weddings:

The wedding, as a social act in which two people decide to start a family, is an intrinsic ritual celebration where music is an essential element in all cultures. Thus, in Mexico a wedding cannot be understood without a mariachi or a group of traditional music of the region to which it belongs.

El Mariachi is a very versatile group in the sense that it can play on a stage, acoustical, moving and has a range for all types of occasions. In addition to its extensive repertoire, it allows to enliven from a detail to many hours of music for all possible situations in an event like a wedding.

Mariachi music for weddings in México:

In Mexico, or Mexican style, it is common that the mariachi is the icing on the cake and the festival culminates in the ecstasy of the ‘pachanga’, everybody singing and requesting the songs that you know and want to sing.

Our experience in Europe:

Our experience in Europe has made mariachi participation an optimum detail in different situations. The common has been liven snacks and coffees to many weddings, we played inside and at the end of the ceremony, in the MNAC Oval room in Montjuic making arrangements for a Cuban ballad, in the musical show hosted by Rafael Amargo during their wedding ceremony, at the foot of the waves on the beach of Barceloneta, in the light of the candles as a representative of the civil authority married a couple, in a sailboat at sea in the delivery of the Rings, etc…

A celebration icon:

The mariachi is almost a celebration icon, it means, without being written, holy feast of the soul, of the heart. It is elegant and simple, always appreciated presence … We can be the one in your wedding detail that helps make it a day to remember forever.

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