XX Marató de l’Espectacle – 2003
XX Barcelona Marathon Show, June 6, 2003
The Marathon de l’Espectacle
Is a nonprofit association dedicated to the conceptualization, coordination and dissemination of cultural events. Its projects include various art forms, from the performing arts (theater, dance and circus) to the visual or media arts.
This is to bring art to the general public and therefore producing events are free and in public spaces.
Marathon de l’Espectacle the Association was established in 1994, but since 1982 it presented the idea of bringing the performing arts to the general public, created a space where companies and artists show their work and research.
Thus was born the First Marathon Theatre, Dance, Music and Circus and from that experience, and given the great success, the festival later called: Marathon de l’Espectacle consolidated year after year as a leader in the performing arts and lasted as such until 2008, when it celebrated 25 years, a cycle that saw many proposals passed in the city of Barcelona was closed.
the Mercat de les Flors
Our participation in 2003 was at the Mercat de les Flors, a municipal theater formed in 1983 to occupy the 19th century building Palau de l’Agriculture, which was built in the wake of the 1929 International Exhibition in Montjuïc. It has a dome 12 meters in diameter at the lobby and is the work of Mallorca artist Miquel Barceló. In 1990 it became an extension incorporating a new room (Space B) located on one side of the central building of the Mercat and gave it the name: Ovidi Montllor Room.
From then until the date this space is a landmark in the cultural market of Barcelona and Catalonia to the world. Great artists have passed through here and enriching cultural city featuring everyday viewers who live and coalesce around.
Thus, Mariachi Semblanza went through the different areas where the Mercat de flors had that day the marathon show. Short presentations were made to a sample of the type of work we were doing as a group and participating with other groups to publicize the range of artistic projects that surrounds the city. As always, our performances were very well received and enjoyed the relationship our music established with the audience singing and participating with us.
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