Mexicaña in Le Mans

The great performance: Mexicaña
On 29 and 31 December 2013 we accompanied the Folkloric Ballet of Viviana Sanchez on her show Mexicaña.
It was a unique and enriching experience working with Viviana. The professionalism and effort put into every moment until the last second before the performance are amazing. Attentions, strength, love … Work, hard work.
Although some members of the group had worked with other dancing companies, even in Mexico with the Ballet Amalia Hernández, for Semblanza as mariachi band that was formed in Barcelona, that is, on the European side of the pond, it was the first time a folkloric choreography of this level asked us to accompany them. It was designed to the last detail.
The show consists of two parts that musical, stylistic and colorful from different regions of Mexico that together, mixing elements of folk, classical and modern dance paintings are presented, give a journey through Mexico. It is like a human traveling with their strength, their cries, their icons (like death) and its history; a mixture of why Mexicans are who we are.
We also note the good relationship we created with all members of the company with which we set friendships that we want to continue growing so that we can continue to find ourselves in the street and on stage and enjoy the company of the dance company Viviana Sanchez.
Back in Le Mans, sharing a dinner and Pachangon the end of the year, and we welcomed 2014 celebrating, dancing, singing and looking forward to the following years give us the opportunity to introduce ourselves together again.
This city, mythical by car endurance racing, it really has very little nooks and beautiful landscapes to visit. It is a small city with its old walled where they live in their mythological figures projected by the walls and in the corners giving life and magic to the night walks down the small streets.
We are grateful to everyone who made this action and professionalism possible and we congratulate the entire atmosphere in the company.
We leave you a video of the New Year’s Eve party in which Felipe sings La Malagueña:
La Malagueña
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