Latin American Festival – X anniversary of la Claca

We were honored to participate in the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Latin American Casal of Catalonia. In this manor has done throughout its history accompaniment to what is here in Cataluña called, and called us “nouvinguts” word to me at least, very dear.
There is no word as such in Spanish but it can be literally translated to understand “new comer” because sooner or later, we’ve been coming to this place as our historical circumstances permit.
This house has given birth to projects with enough force as the group of women of the house that is committed in various places to claim the genre.
Here we leave the program on that day in which we had the opportunity to share the stage with the legendary group of traditional Colombian cumbia Palo Que Sea!
10th Anniversary of Claca
(Casal Llatinoamericà Catalonia)
Friday, 10 October at Sans Sants.
Free admission all day.
At night bonus 700 pts aid.
At night:
21h Peruvian dance group
9:30 p.m. Mariachi Semblanza proudly Mexican. (El Mariachi de Barcelona)
22h Great Bailongo with John the Indian and his group, Palo Que Sea , DJ Felipe and his Caribbean rhythm.
Text extracted from Weekly Newsletter Information Contr@ Barcelona, Number 24, from 7 to 13 October, 1998.
Programming that night led to a large and real party like over there, singing, dancing, laughing and drinking. Everything in a brotherhood environment we like, because we fraternize in culture although we are apparently so different. In the world and immigrant life, spaces to recognize and remember who you are, even if you have a life outside and see the new space where we, the nouvinguts are accepted.
Although we say it a lot, it’s nice that our music, which is recognized as Mexican, do actually makes vibrate so many people in the Spanish-speaking world. We recognize ourselves in the way of seeing life and the world.
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