Cultural February at the Corte Inglés

Cultural February Corte Ingles in Barcelona, ​​February 5, 1998

El Corte Ingles is probably the company’s biggest Spain distribution and investing each year to promote the country’s culture and country that, somehow, the social landscape in which we live organized integrate a number concerts in the agora (auditorium) headquarters Av. Diagonal, here in Barcelona.

This series of concerts in which it paid tribute to Mexico was entitled “Mexico Canta” and Mariachi Semblanza Barcelona presented a program at the “roundabout” on the 5th floor. We interpreted music from three of the most representative regions of Mexico:

Northern Region: this region is difficult to treat, and always has been, to folkloric ballets and performances that deal with Mexico because the “north” of Mexico is very large and there are many very different cultural characteristics, although it is true that in some ways share many similarities.

Still, to give a taste of music that is considered “northern” we prepared the following songs:


the Absent (El Ausente)

the Red Car band (La banda del carro rojo)

Give a coin to the piano. (Échale un quinto al piano)

Veracruz: in this territory which, as the natural gateway to the Atlantic Ocean, is one of the idiosyncrasies with more features that reflect the mix in every way originated. Even so, there are two very different musical areas that make unique styles:  La Huasteca and jarochan area. In the following repertoire more jarochan presence of root, but it should be noted that the song “Light of the fireflies” by José Alfredo Jiménez is inspired rhythmic music in the Huasteca.

Under the light of fireflies

El Cascabel

The Colas

The tilingo lingo

La Iguana

Jalisco: The region boasts the most authentic mariachi root shares features, including music, with the whole area could be called western Mexico. From the West therefore had some songs that were known in these latitudes to public taste:


La Madrugada

La Espiga

Las Alazanas

Cielito Lindo.


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