Carnival in Solsona – 2002

Carnaval in Solsona
Barcelona, February 7, 2002
We were honored to participate in Solsona’s Carnival is one of the most important in Catalonia. It is a carnival with lots of history and tradition and a strong protest air as it had to be reshaped after being banned during the years of the government of General Francisco Franco and currently, and since 1978, it’s holds the title of “Party of touristic National Interest.”
There are documents that confirm this party existed before the civil war, but the carnival, as now understood, since 1971 after 35 years of being banned. Thus, in that year, Don Carnal (Carnival King) reappeared and each year continues to visit Solsona to delight visitors to the town and the region and confirms the survival lore.
People who live in Solsona are called mataburros because there is a legend that says that in the belfry of the town was much grass and decided that they had to remove it and became a donkey to send you eat it. The donkey could not climb the narrow stairs of the bell tower and decided to upload a rope hanging by the neck. The poor dying by hanging donkey peed and wet all present.
From this legend an institutional event and each year was on Saturday night, hanging donkey, a donkey bear and has a mechanism that simulates animal urination is held and it is an essential part of the carnival of Solsona.
Carnival of Solsona also keeps a tradition that has been documented since before the times of the civil war and is a walk in the village squares sharing with everyone “figs, cake and white wine.”
Engaging in this type of popular events that reinforce the traditions of the people we love because this is the natural habitat of mariachi in Mexico. This is how it makes music tradition: participating of the moments that shape the identity of the people.
Although we are “the mariachi of Barcelona“, in fact we have been present in many of the Catalan parties about its geography.
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