Semblanza’s Birthday

Mariachi Semblanza en Turquía

Mariachi’s Semblanza Anniversary

On 13 June nineteen years ago, i.e. in 1995, the first performance of what was the seed of Mariachi Semblanza was performed. Miguel Angel Vallejo Frías and Alejandra Hernández Giadáns took part in that performance. Over the years, they were to become the main promoters of mariachi culture around Barcelona. Both were musicians and singers of the group and we keep unforgettable memories of all the times we shared with them. We make a toast for them!

Also we provide for the group because the war still continues despite the crisis that has affected us all artists, musicians and cultural players of all nationalities.

So we sing for ourselves Mañanitas Tapatías to celebrate the years of casting cries for them, now so dear, distant lands.


The desire to maintain tradition, taste for music that has accompanied the history of our country and our own personal stories is what makes this group still standing. We desire to do well, to grow in our root still below the land separating the sea. This is what we are; this is our memory and our way.

We are Mariachi Semblanza of Barcelona and we thank all those who have made this journey with us: members, friends of the group, ex-members, supporters and all those who enjoy mariachi music around here.

Bring eager, Tequila and Cava and continue another year here.

Some photos to remember.

hp photosmart 720 hp photosmart 720 hp photosmart 720 Con María Toledo en la Boda de Rafael Amargo IMG_29 04 2009 _057 feria turismo

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